When you donate to Fresh Start Furnishings, you are helping to end homelessness in Harford County. Your donations, whether in-kind or financial, not only support our mission but all those organizations in our community working together to better the lives of our less fortunate neighbors.
As members of Harford County’s Continuum of Care, Fresh Start Furnishings serves families at a crucial time; a time when they are making progress but still dangerously close to crisis. Having a bed to get a good night’s rest or a table to eat a sufficient meal are not luxuries, but basic needs people need to survive and continue moving forward. Furniture and even basic household items like shower curtains or dishware are often out of reach for families who are just getting on their feet again, but they don’t have to be! Through your generous donations, you are ensuring that the doors of the Fresh Start Furniture Program stay open and the showroom full of much-needed items for our families.
Become part of our Fresh Start Family by donating in one of these great ways today!